Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My love for Halloween!

Well, October went by and left a mark on some of the pretty faces, at least I did haha! 

When it was raining in the start of this colorful month the weather turned to a much prettier state in the last two weeks, having lesser rain and pleasant temperatures with some very beautiful orange toned colours outside. 

October gives you an opportunity to create some 'out of the box' looks as it's Halloween!

Beside the pretty colours outside, I am ( as you might know) also obsessed with the beautiful colors of my make-up collection. October therefore brings something extra, it gives you an opportunity to create some 'out of the box' looks as it's also marked as the month of Halloween!

Last year was my first time attempting to try 2 looks on my own face and this year I made it a project to explore and try as much looks on different faces as possible. Of course inspired by movies, tv-series and some of the make-up artist I look up to.

To go a little over the edge in comparison to last year, ( beside my own make-up collection) I bought some face paint, fake blood and latex. I so enjoyed these new companions in my make-up collection!

I ended the month with a re-creation of one of my previous looks on my very own face, for the Halloween party we had on the 31st of October.

Hope you enjoy the Halloween looks this year, I surely enjoyed creating them as I am already looking forward to Halloween 2016!

Well I hope you had a fun Halloween and liked the looks. Let me know what your favorites are of all these looks and share if you like!

Have a nice day and let's prepare ourselves for the holiday season!


My Look for the 31st October 2015 Halloween Party

Look inspired by the best Halloween make-up artist, ALEXFACTION! I am obsessed with his looks so I re-created the devil look on my brother in law Ravish

I needed to create a character for 'The Purge' well I guess I succeeded on the perfect face of Sharwien!

I desperatly wanted to try the blue facepaint, so we opted for a Avatar kind of look on Dewika

Look on Pardeep inspired by the half skull of Chrisspy!

Well it's a fact as of now, whenever I am doing a look with Shalini we definitly kill it. This one was actually insprired by a coulple of pictures but at the end we created a look completly out of the blue, nothing like the pictures we used for inspiration haha! So this one has my original copy right! Lot's of shimering colors, with facepaint and even blood!

Same look as above, only the wig changed the whole look!

Well I became a huge fan of Kimberleymargarita_ she is like a female version of AlexFaction. I had fake blood and this was just THE PERFECT way to create a look with it. On the dashing Dyanne!

This half broken doll face was inspired by one of Kimberleymargarita_  other looks! Cherry's face was just perfect for it. I liked it so much that I re-created it again on my own face for the Halloween party.

Clowns were a big 'go to' this season for Halloween and I guess lots of Instagrammers beside me, tried to re-create the look Tinakpromua created! Creepy and beautiful is possible on the ravishing Renoeka!

As I desperately wanted to use the ( than UN-used) green shadow, so I created my own take on Gamora on the beautiful Poodja

One of my favorite ( not creepy) Halloween looks, on yet again 'Shalini', I was inspired by a look done by Tamanna of DressyourFace

This look was inspired (of course) by the Joker, I just wanted my own twist in it without using the green and purple shades and still make it as creepy as possible! 

This was my chance to create a look inspired by my obsession for 'the 'Walking Dead' along side my fellow Walker 'Amar', and finally a chance to use liquid latex!

Beside myself I created the Skull look and the Creepy Nurse look on my sister and my brother in law

Saturday, August 15, 2015

My Summer LookBook

Hi Beauties! How is everyone spending their summer? What colours are you wearing and what style are you adapting?

 'the best season to get all fashionable is Summer'

In hot days you want to wear comfortable clothes that on the same time are cool and/or classy right? At least that's what I love! Beside make-up I love spending time before my closet and get some pieces together that will match my make-up or the other way around. Yep make-up and a bunch of clothes and I will feel like Alice in Wonderland haha! And the best season to get all fashionable in the head in my opinion is Summer! 

Well as beauty also gets enhanced with beautiful clothes and shoes I wanted to share some of my summer looks. And thanks to my very talented cousins Cherry Kaur and Shaanthi Photography, I was able to create my first 'LookBook'. 

Starting with this one piece of Bershka. This simple little black dress fits my body perfectly and at the same time it's very comfortable. A pair of black heels from AldoShoes and a heavy gypsy necklace and it looks all Classy.

Photo by Cherry Kaur
I love earth tones, even in fashion. And I actually adore how a yellow color fits so fabulously well with red lips. For the this look I was sure I wanted a yellow clothing piece combined with a red lip. So a dive in my closet, and I found this yellow top from Forever21 and matched it with a brown short from VeroModa. As it was a hot day, I was happy that this top was a bit loose and not fitted perfectly to my body shape. I combined it with a pair of simple flat sandals from VanHaren.

Photo by Shaanthi Photography
Well I spend a bit to much time in Bershka lately. I was looking for a high waisted 'Boyfriend Jeans' yep that's how they call a ripped up jean haha! And luckily I found one, and OMG it's stunning and comfortable at the same time. To give it a classy touch I grabbed this black knit crop top ( also from Bershka ) and combined it with a classy heal from AgachiStore which I am so obsessed with.

Photo by Cherry Kaur 
Photo by me
Last but not the least! Summer and flower prints are just a match made in heaven! This cute black skirt with all the bright colors combined with the most simple black crop top. Both these beautiful pieces come from my most favorite fashion shop! Can you guess it... yep Forever21! And why not protect your face from the sun with a simple but pretty hat from Primark.

Photo by Shaanthi Photography
Photo by Shaanthi Photography
Well I hope you liked this edition of my beauty talk. Let me know what your styles are this summer and if you would like to see more LookBooks in the future.

Have a nice day and weekend my beauties!


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Beauty for Less

Hello my beauties! How is life treating you this summer, did you hydrate enough and did you give your skin the extra attention it needs?

Well it's been hot the past few weeks till last Saturday! We had a tropical storm and it all got windy and rainy and the temperature dropped drastically. Looking outside it seems like it's autumn although we are still in the middle of summer.

 ''The skin needs some extra care during the summer''

Enough about the weather! As I mentioned before, the skin needs some extra care during the summer. Skin care is so important, especially that little extra when you wear make-up on almost a daily basis just like me. 

Although it's important, the fact remains that not everyone has the time to do the extra bit and well not everyone wants to spend a high amount of money on high end brands for skin care. Well no worries beauties, this post is dedicated to you.

I will shortly discuss 3 kind of budget products from the dutch brand HEMA that should be enough to save the day. 

I have been using these creams from the HEMA brand since the time I started my make-up course during 2008 as the make-up academy recommended the HEMA day cream. While standing in the shop I thought 'if the day cream is so good why not buy the night cream as well?'. Well I ended up using both and since a short amount of time for the past year I guess, I started to use the mask of this same brand.

Let me start with the day cream, I am very fond of the package ( actually all 3 of them). As I have long nails I hate to wipe my fingers into a little jar, this tends the cream to get stuck between my nails. These products come in a sort of tube which you can directly put into the palm of your hand and from there apply on your face, preventing the messy nails.

The texture of the day cream is not to thick, as the purpose is to hydrate your skin. It's creamy but on a very thin basis and there is almost no smell to it. You won't need very much of this cream as 1 or 2 drops will cover your whole face and you will instantly feel the cream hydrating your face. This day cream is for every skin type especially the ones that need the extra hydration. And a very good thing of this cream is the fact that it gives you a good prep for the skin before applying make-up.

75 ml /  €
Well the second is the night cream, I personally like the night cream more than the day cream, it's texture is a bit thicker but you still won't be needing to much. This cream also is for all skin types and I use it after cleaning up my face before I go to sleep. It really takes good care of the face as when you will wake up your face will feel and look fresh and smooth.

75 ml / 2
Last but not the least, the mask. In one of my previous posts I told you beauties about the Kurkuma mask, but as I told you guys earlier, sometimes you are in a hurry and don't have the time to prepare a mask first. Well than this would be the easiest and quickest solution. 

''It hydrates but also repairs break outs''

There are actually 2 kind of masks that I like to use from HEMA. The hydrating face mask;  as you can see below and another superb mask is the Clay face mask which comes in the same kind of package. Both have a thick structure so it's smoothly goes over the skin. I could not take a picture of the clay mask as it was sold out so I opted for the hydrating mask. Both masks are supposed to be applied in round circles on the face ( except for the eyes) and well, just take a magazine and let it work on your skin for 10 or 15 minutes. I usually do this before having a shower so that I can easily wash it of my face after the 15 minutes. These tubes last for a few months as you don't use it on a daily basis. You feel the difference right after washing it off. The skin feels soft and looks healthy. However the Clay face mask has some dead sea minerals in it, which are very good for the skin, it not only hydrates but also repairs break outs on the face as well. So if I have to choose between these 2 budget products I would recommend the Clay face mask.

75 ml / 2,50
Well there you go, for only €6,50 you can have some high quality products for less money and applying these is so easy and fast.

So my pretty ladies what are you waiting for? Either order these online on HEMA.NL or go and visit the nearest HEMA store in the neighbour.

Please let me know what your favorite budget brand is and what products you recommend. Like and share the tips!

Till next time my beauties!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Every Bride is beautiful, just like a newborn Baby..

It's been a while...but HEY I am back and intend on staying. I missed blogging so much but there was so much going on that I had to take a break from writing. My sincere apologies for my absence. I haven't been so busy in my life like the past few months! I started the year with a trip to Asia, had the pleasure of doing the make-up of a very lovely Bride back in March and well the biggest story of all, my little sister got married at the very beginning of this 
''Great team, Great results ''

So much more stories coming your way after this one! But first I wanted to share my experience and work on this very sweet bride 'Pushpa' I worked for in March. I had the honor to do her make-up which was followed by a grand reception. She had 2 such cute bridesmaids. 1 of them was dolled up by me as well.

Well let me say one thing, doing make-up for the white dress is one of my favorite things. As in my opinion bridal make-up especially for the white dress, should bring out the bride's best features and make them look the most beautiful version of themselves.

What was so special about this make-up assignment? The bride herself, she has such a beautiful and honest soul, which makes the working environment so much more fun and easier. Another thing that was fun about this assignment, I got to do make-up which was photographed by my sister from another mister, my cousin Shaanthi of Shaanthi Photography! Well this assignment felt like a 'Family' assignment. Great team, great results right?
''the most beautiful version of themselves''

Stunning shot by Shaanthi Photography, visit her facebook or website ( hyperlinked) to see her beautiful work

This bride was and of course is a very simple and beautiful young lady, she has a very clear skin with nice facial features. I got to know her better during our make-up trial day, which is so important to have with a bride to be, not only you discuss the look, but on a certain level you create a bond with the Bride. 

Work in progress, shot by Shaanthi Photography,

What I really liked about her was that she was very clear in what she wanted, but my opinion as a make-up artist was very important to her. For me during a party or a bridal assignment the wish of the client comes first. But during this trial the comfort zone was very high, which resulted in a beautiful outcome created by us both. She opted for pink tones in matter of the overall look of the color. Which was a huge success as it suited the end result.

Before and after of the beautiful bride  ( Not much luck with the light) Photo by me

The bridesmaid was also very clear in what she wanted, this very young girl wanted a natural look, without fake lashes, a simple liner and very light skin toned colors, well we created a quick but mind blowing result.

Before and After for the Stunning Bridesmaid Shivani - Photo by me

After seeing the pictures and the outcome of her overall look I realized that I was so blessed that I can contribute ( even if it's with the make-up) to such a special day in some one's life. 

My next Bridal assignment for now would be in July and I hope to create the same magical outcome for the bride as I did during this bridal look.

Hope you liked my bridal make-up journey, and I promise to share much more exciting journeys soon!

Till next time beauties!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 a Smokey Electric Start..

A Happy New Year to all your beautiful souls...May 2015 be filled with lots of glitter, glamor and of course most important 'Love'.

My new year resolution? Well creating new and unforgettable memories!

So I love to doll up for New Years Eve. Just the feeling to start the year with a perfect outfit and a sparkling make-up makes me happy.

  "I danced the night away into the New Year"

So this year at new years eve I was totally clueless what I wanted to wear. So I dragged my cousin to some shops for some dress hunting and after a few shops we finally found the perfect black cocktail dress at the Tally Weijl shop.

Now for the make-up I already had some sort of vision ( just not sure what color as I hadn't found my dress yet). I wanted to have GLITTER.

We went for a city trip to Paris the day after Christmas and I was thrilled to find a 'Sephora' shop there ( can't explain the happiness.. Make-up lovers will understand RIGHT?!). So I ended up buying the Urban Decay Electric Palette. This palette is everything! I love the 10 super bright colors, which are so pigmented that you don't even have to use a base. And I am totally fond of  the strong package and the very suitable mirror in it! Just OMG LOVE!!

So I decided to use silver shade 'Revolt' in the electric palette and some loose glitter on the silver part of the smokey eye look that I created.

The lip shade I opted for was NYX Cosmetics 's Matte Lipstick in the shade ' Bloody Mary'. This shade is a cross between a deep pink and a red color! And to finish the look I used HudaBeauty Lashes in the type 'Samantha' ( most beautiful lashes ever!!!).

So I had the dress and the make-up done ( even the OPI nails in between LOL!) but something was missing but WHAT?! After a weird close moment in the mirror with myself (discussions and all that, you know the me against myself type of discussion haha) I decided to change my hair style and add some curls. I am not very handy with hair, I just don't have the patience for it BLEEHH. I used my curling iron, and as I am a huge fan of Mimi of Luxy Hair, I got inspired and created a curly look in 10 minutes ( which is pretty fast with the amount of hair on my head).

So I danced the night away into the New Year with the heels I bought a few years back in Dubai ( not sure what shop, I'm so sorry) , and I am proud to share the first look of 2015 that I styled all together by myself. From head to toe!

Hope you liked the whole look and please don't hesitate to share what you wore on new year's eve and what your new year resolution is!! 

I would love to read all about it!

Till next time beauties!

My First Dress of 2015!
Glittery Smokey Eye look!
The Ring and the earrings are from Primark

OPI Liquid Sand in the shade: 'Alcatraz Rocks'

Urban Decay Electric Palette

The Babyliss Titanium Ceramic Curling Iron I use

Monday, December 22, 2014

Beauty Preps for the Holidays...

It's all getting windy outside and since the past weekend the winter season officially started!
We have to take good care of our skin especially when the season changes, as it can effect our skin. Sadly I had a little bit of a break out on the skin under my eyes,  it lasted for over a week but than I used a DIY- turmeric mask and it magically disappeared ( Thank god hehe).

So yesterday I started some beauty preparations for the holidays. I put some nice nail polish and applied the magical mask.

"prepare your skin for that sparkling glow on the holidays"

Not only is this mask good for skin break outs, but it has a positive effect on normal skin as well. It feeds the skin the important vitamins, heals and even leaves the skin with a healthy glow.

As Christmas and new years are around the corner now, this would be a perfect time to share this incredible home made or DIY mask. Start as soon as possible to prepare your skin for that sparkling glow on the holidays.

I call this particular mask the Magical Yellow Mask.

The ingredients ( the the benefits of the products) for this mask are:

- Turmeric:  Famous for it's healing for lots of things, it's not only used on the skin but also within the body it has it's magical healing effect. For on the skin it has a anti bacterial working, it helps relieve swelling, prevent wrinkles,  it's anti-inflammatory, and it gives the skin a healthy glow.

- Milk: One of the best ways to hydrate the skin as it is used in lots of creams and ext 

- Gram flour:
 Reduces the oiliness of the skin and very good to get rid of pimples

- Almond oil: Great for hydration, skin healing, good for dry skin and makes the skin very soft

I have been using this turmeric mask for a long time now and this actually works very well. It also keeps the pimples, acne and dark circles away. And the greatest thing about it is that it's all natural as it's home made!

All you need is the following: 1 little bowl, 1tsp, 2tsp Gram Flour, 1tsp Turmeric, 1.5 tsp Almond Oil, a little milk. Mix this all together till you get the paste like on picture no.7. 

Add this on the face, and be aware it doesn't come in your eyes as its a spice. Leave this on your face for 20 minutes. Afterwards remove it with your fingers making circled movements as you are massaging your face, and wash it off. Your skin will feel healthier and softer.

The other cool thing is that you can put the leftovers in the refrigerator and you can use it again. I personally use the mask once a week. But sometimes you don't get the time in this hectic period so I make sure to use it at least 2 times a month to see the effect of the mask at it's best. The other thing is your make-up looks so flawless when you apply this mask in prior, you will look at yourself in the mirror and start singing FLAWLESS by Beyonce!! Yeah that good!!! ( Yes of course I need to talk about make-up and Beyonce duuuh haha).

Below you can find the nail polish creation I did as part of the preparations as well. I love to mix up nail polish once in a while, by just painting one or two of the nails in another color.

Be sure to try this magical mask and tell me what your beauty preparations for the holidays are? 

Hope you ladies have a sparkling Christmas and a Happy new Year!


I love to mix up 2 nail polishes and these colors were perfect for the holidays!

The left nail polish by OPI has a number 018 and the right one is called 'Golden Waves'

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

All I want for X-mas.. are colors!

Well well it is already December right? The year almost flew by! Is it me or 'the older you get, the faster the time goes'. I remember when I was young I would wait for my birthday and beside that I would wait for the Christmas time to come around but back than it took so long!

' I still wait for Christmas'

So what didn't change in this lady in the present time is...uuhm I still wait for Christmas, I love the decorations, the lights that are so beautiful when it gets dark so fast, and of course I like the colors that we can use in our make-up to create that perfect look for this festive season.

So I decided to take 4 different palettes and create 4 different looks for you. So the basic things I use before applying any eyeshadow is a eyeshadow base. 

You might have bought a nice eyeshadow palette or just a single eyeshadow once ( or many more times in your life hihi) that you loved right? And when you got home you happily tried it on your eyelid, looked in the mirror and than got the shock of your life... 'Why isn't the color so bright as it appears in the packaging? Did I get conned? Is it my skin color? Why does this always happen to me?' 

WELL WELL stop being dramatic lovely's I have the solution for you. You are missing out on the eyeshadow base. It's so important to first apply some eyeshadow base and than go ahead and create your eye looks. Other things that are just as good as a eyeshadow base are colored  Jumbo sticks. For instance if you have blue eyeshadow, a blue jumbo stick will do the extra magic as it will intensify the color of your eyeshadow. So for the below looks I used either a NYX Jumbo stick or the High Definition Eyeshadow base also by NYX ( of course you can use any brand you want by the way, I am just obsessed with this brand as you might have noticed).

So for the below looks I used 4 different eyeshadow palettes and the same NYC eyeliner . For each look I sticked by 1 palette.

Look 1: NYX Soho Glam Collection Palette I have had this for years. I bought it on one of my trips to Dubai as they didn't sell the brand in the Netherlands back than. If you search the Internet you might find one. Affordable, long lasting and amazing texture.

Look 2: Anastasia Beverly Hills Amrezy Palette ( this one is out of stock but you might find some on Amazon, it's worth the try as it belongs to my daily make-up essentials )

Look 3: W7 In the Night Palette This actually is a very affordable and highly pigmented palette. Most of the time they make a excellent dupe for the Urban Decay Naked palettes but it seems like they launched the dupe before the original even came out LOL! A 'Must have' and 'A must gift' for Christmas for the ladies.

Look 4: E.L.F. 144 eyeshadow Palette It seems that this one is also out of stock but if you click on the link you will find a similar palette only with 100 colors instead of 144, with pretty much the same shades!

So I hope you liked the looks and try to re-create them for the Christmas and New Years Eve or even for a daily look without going all glittery. 

If you have any questions or suggestions don't hesitate to comment below, I will gladly answer all your questions. 

Hope you have a beautiful day my lovely's!

Till next time.
