Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Every Bride is beautiful, just like a newborn Baby..

It's been a while...but HEY I am back and intend on staying. I missed blogging so much but there was so much going on that I had to take a break from writing. My sincere apologies for my absence. I haven't been so busy in my life like the past few months! I started the year with a trip to Asia, had the pleasure of doing the make-up of a very lovely Bride back in March and well the biggest story of all, my little sister got married at the very beginning of this 
''Great team, Great results ''

So much more stories coming your way after this one! But first I wanted to share my experience and work on this very sweet bride 'Pushpa' I worked for in March. I had the honor to do her make-up which was followed by a grand reception. She had 2 such cute bridesmaids. 1 of them was dolled up by me as well.

Well let me say one thing, doing make-up for the white dress is one of my favorite things. As in my opinion bridal make-up especially for the white dress, should bring out the bride's best features and make them look the most beautiful version of themselves.

What was so special about this make-up assignment? The bride herself, she has such a beautiful and honest soul, which makes the working environment so much more fun and easier. Another thing that was fun about this assignment, I got to do make-up which was photographed by my sister from another mister, my cousin Shaanthi of Shaanthi Photography! Well this assignment felt like a 'Family' assignment. Great team, great results right?
''the most beautiful version of themselves''

Stunning shot by Shaanthi Photography, visit her facebook or website ( hyperlinked) to see her beautiful work

This bride was and of course is a very simple and beautiful young lady, she has a very clear skin with nice facial features. I got to know her better during our make-up trial day, which is so important to have with a bride to be, not only you discuss the look, but on a certain level you create a bond with the Bride. 

Work in progress, shot by Shaanthi Photography,

What I really liked about her was that she was very clear in what she wanted, but my opinion as a make-up artist was very important to her. For me during a party or a bridal assignment the wish of the client comes first. But during this trial the comfort zone was very high, which resulted in a beautiful outcome created by us both. She opted for pink tones in matter of the overall look of the color. Which was a huge success as it suited the end result.

Before and after of the beautiful bride  ( Not much luck with the light) Photo by me

The bridesmaid was also very clear in what she wanted, this very young girl wanted a natural look, without fake lashes, a simple liner and very light skin toned colors, well we created a quick but mind blowing result.

Before and After for the Stunning Bridesmaid Shivani - Photo by me

After seeing the pictures and the outcome of her overall look I realized that I was so blessed that I can contribute ( even if it's with the make-up) to such a special day in some one's life. 

My next Bridal assignment for now would be in July and I hope to create the same magical outcome for the bride as I did during this bridal look.

Hope you liked my bridal make-up journey, and I promise to share much more exciting journeys soon!

Till next time beauties!

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